Cut Out for the memorial image
This image did not work for the final image.

Memorial images blended
To create this image I placed different close up photographs on top of each other and then blended them all together.

Orginal Memorial image
This is the main image that i will be developing for my final memorial postcard.

Cut Out
This is the photograph of the cut out in a flower bed at Queen Gardens.

This is when i placed all of the images together to create a single image.

This is the image i used to create my final Queen Garden postcard

Cut out
This was my first idea but as the main subject looks as if it is floating in the air that is why this image does not work.

The Merina
I created this collage photograph by using Photoshop to blend and place the images to fit the main subject of the image.

Orginal image
This is the photograph that i am going to edit for one of my final images.